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It's Cold

Writer's picture: adrianneadrianne

The thermometer says it's 28 degrees outside, and the low tonight will be 24 degrees. Brrrr.... We don't get temperatures this low very often, so when we do, I can't help but think back to an early January morning in 2018 when I saw an Animal Control vehicle parked at a house across the street.

I learned there was a dog living in the far corner of the backyard...on a chain and without shelter. I didn't know he was there; he never barked. It was 17 degrees that morning. This was my first glimpse of him.

Animal Control demanded a shelter be provided, and one was hastily constructed that day out of pallets. Being the nosy-where-animals-are-concerned person that I am, I went over to check it out. What a miserable little existence this boy had. I learned his name was Roscoe.

His chain was immense...nearly 30 pounds when we weighed it later.

He was just a pup, less than a year old. And he lived all alone, without daily human contact or even food.

I changed that over the course of a couple of months. If you knew me on Facebook, you know the story. It's a long one, and I won't repeat it least not today. One day, I'll write a book. It's an amazing story with a happy ending. Roscoe is my dog now...our dog, because Jamie is his person. Living his best life, spoiled absolutely rotten, and adored to the moon & back.

There is nothing he could ever do to get in trouble with me. I tell Jamie that he paid in advance--by living on that chain--for anything & everything he might do. (And he is a bit mischievous.)

"No dogs on the couch" became "this is Roscoe's spot" became "wherever he wants to be."

He and Jack are just the best little pack.

Joy. This dog, Roscoe The Best Dog Ever, makes me laugh every single day, and I tell him so every single night when I kiss him good night and remind him that he's a good boy & I'm so glad he's here. I've loved all my dogs, and those who've known me from way back know Wilbur was my heart dog. But there is something so special about Roscoe. You can't help but love him if you spend any amount of time with him. I wish everyone who met him on our whirlwind trip to New Hampshire could meet him again and know the real Roscoe. He's perfect.

Never again, as long as I have anything to do about it, will he be out in the cold on a chain. Nights like this cold night, he'll be just like he is right now....warm & snug & cozy, sleeping without a care in the world.

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