I've turned the corner and feel 100% better! I'm sure it's helped to have the sweet intuitive Roscoe constantly snugged up to me the last three days.

That's a bruise on the lower part of my face--got them on both sides...

It's been a good day. I got a bath, and that alone made me feel much better. I was even able to wash my hair without getting my cast wet.

I took the bandage off my rib graft site, and all looks well there. On a sidenote, Dr. Walker called to check on me, and we talked about the rib graft. He said mine wasn't the easiest to do-I assume because of the reconstruction of my breasts. He said I'm not 20 anymore-what, I'm not?-and there was some calcification. And finally, he said women with breast implants have more pain with rib grafts for some reason. In other words, I'm not a total weenie.

I went to the doctor with my uncle, and we got very positive news. He always boosts my ego, and today was no exception. He'll talk with anybody and everyone, and I was his topic of conversation. "Look at my beautiful niece, she just had surgery Monday. She's all bruised up, but it just brings out her eyes, don't you think?" Love that man!

We ran into Cousin Aunt Rhonda while we were there. She was there for radiation, and it turns out her doctor is Uncle Steve's doctor! We chatted, they chatted, everybody chatted, and it was a party!

A good day! And now me and the pups are waiting for Jamie to get home from the airport with Seth and his wife, Faith. They'll be here a week. Tomorrow will be another good day because I have a date with my friend, Sandy, to go thrifting at our favorite store.
I have obviously missed some posts. Hopefully you are better today. 😳
I'm so happy you're feeling like you were only hit by a Smart Car and not repeatedly run over by a dump truck. It is especially good timing with the Christmas season being upon us and guests to consider. Let Roscoe head up the entertainment committee and as usual Jamie will be your ever present support staff. Remember, you don't have to play Superwoman and do everything by yourself. May GOD continue to bless you & your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to y'all.
Glad you are feeling better. ❤️❤️ exciting to have your son spend the holidays with you too!