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Writer's pictureadrianne

Happy Days

It's been a good week since I turned the corner from the little rough patch in my recovery. Dr. Walker told me I would be social-event ready after two weeks, but I've been social eventing already-bruising, swelling, and cast be damned.

On Friday, Sandy and I had a big day of shopping at our favorite thrift stores. It was 50% off everything in the stores, and I was not gonna miss it! Off I went, flat hair and all!

Before shopping...

After shopping, two stores later...

You know it's been a good thrifting day when the hubby has to pick you up in the pickup truck at the store because you bought something that won't fit in the car.

What did I get? This fabulous chair! What did it cost? $25!

We went for Mexican food for supper that evening with Seth & Faith.

I woke up feeling pretty good-a little tired-Saturday...bruising and swelling looking better.

Jamie and I rode to Forsyth, Georgia and stopped for lunch in Indian Springs at a little place called Yahola Creek.

The shrimp & grits were yummy, and the live music was great too! A duo called Willowtaub.

Once in Forsyth, we had THE BEST visit with our friend, Mickey. (Hi Mickey!) He used to live in our neighborhood, and we were so sad to lose him as a neighbor. Man, it was good to see him! I petted the cat, Sally, before finding out she's not a fan of being petted. Thankfully, she allowed it and didn't smack my hand. I tried again before we left, but she gave me a clear sign that I should stop right there.

On Sunday, we ran a few errands. The swelling is really going down, but that bruising just goes on and on.

We visited with my favorite uncle. He's looking good and feeling good, even putting on some weight. We made plans for his two doctor's appointments this week.

Then it was off to the Kroger for a few grocery items. I was pretty tired by this point.

Today has been quiet and peaceful and filled with cooking. Lots of cooking! And a nap! And Santy W Paws came to see Roscoe...

Jamie and I visited with Sandy and Ben this evening and delivered gifts. Finally, we enjoyed a wonderful meal with Seth and Faith.

Still bruised, but tomorrow is a big day because this cast comes off. My breathing has gotten easier & easier, and most of the outside stitches have come out on their own.

I'm thinking this next week will be a little less social eventing for me. I'm tired!

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2 comentários

26 de dez. de 2023

What did you do to get Jamie to pull out all his hair? Thank y'all so much for the visit Saturday. That really lifted my spirits. Good luck with cast removal Tuesday. At least with the cast, you had a legitimate excuse for the bruising. Now with it gone, Jamie will get some weird looks like he's been beating on you.

26 de dez. de 2023
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Right, Mickey?

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