I haven't felt well today--very whooped feeling. I did that 15 mile bike ride Tuesday evening, then did the same ride in the heat yesterday morning, and then did a yoga class yesterday evening. I think it was too much, or at least at the limit of what I can do right now.
So anyway, I spent a good portion of the day on the loveseat, napping with Jack. (He's always good for a nap.). I finally got up to do some things that are on my To Do Before Surgery list. One of those things is bake banana bread. I've been ripening some bananas for the last week or so and thought I'd get everything ready to bake tomorrow morning. I found my recipe, checked my ingredients, and set butter out on the counter to soften.
I had supper, worked on a couple of other list items, fed the squirrels and birds, checked the garden, and sat & rested when I needed to. Sometime this evening, I decided I better put the butter in a bowl in case it softened too much. I couldn't find the butter. Didn't I set it out on the counter? I thought I did, felt fairly confident I did. My brain is kinda mushy today, so I checked every place in the house and out where my chores had taken me. I even checked rooms where I hadn't gone. No butter.
There are two suspects in The Case Of The Missing butter, and one of them is too short to reach the counter. Roscoe, did YOU take the butter?

It's been a long time since he's taken food from the counter, so I kinda dismissed the thought. Plus he looks so innocent.

But I've looked high and low, and there is no butter. It was a new box, and the other sticks are in the box in the fridge where I put them. I looked out back for evidence, but there was none to be seen. Not surprising. Roscoe eats paper all the time.
Dude! Seriously? You ate the butter?

My recipe for loaf of banana bread calls for 1/2 a cup of butter--a whole stick. But I planned to bake two loaves. Roscoe ate TWO sticks of butter, paper & all!
So now we're in bed, and Roscoe is feeling pretty pleased with himself.

I'm just over here hoping his gut is strong.
"Just love me, Momma." And I do.

Meanwhile, Jack is over here being a good boy. But make no mistake...could he reach the counter, he would swipe the butter.

And of course, Jamie is out of town. That's when the exciting things happen with the pups.
Jack?!? Never!!!
LOL...darn it, I was going to suggest Jamie ate the butter!
Watch for me when I go outside tomorrow. Bet I can it the eye of a needle at 20 yards