Last night while lying in bed, I typed out a blog post that included updates in several areas of my life. After opening my photo library to choose some photos to go with the post, I discovered much to my chagrin that my blog app no longer allows me to leave the app to do this and requires me to start all over if I do. Pffft!!!
So here’s what I’m posting by way of an update:
Yesterday’s sunset was muted and soft.

Clover and Ivy love me.

I’m in my Happy Place.

The End
Let’s see... 1) he was not sleeping. 2) those sunset pix were with your cell phone? Stunning!!! 3) I LOVE that beautiful sky!!! What beautiful artwork in the sky!!! 4) those good girls are so cute in their bed!!! 5) poor brown girl. She just wants to play and that little mischievous white girl wants to get all up in her grill!!! 6) I’m happy you’re done working and now get to enjoy yourself!!! That’s a great gig you have down there!! Much deserved!
Profound. Short and to the point. I like it.