It’s 12:45am, and we’re in the midst of severe thunderstorms. Thunderstorms make Roscoe nervous. He wants to go into my bedroom and get on my bed; it’s his safe place when bad weather strikes. But he can’t go in my bedroom tonight. There’s four squirrels sleeping in there, and Roscoe is definitely NOT squirrel safe. He doesn’t even know they’re here, and tonight isn’t the time for him to find out.
So we snug together on the couch.

Diva left for the bridge 6 days ago but she was the worst thunder phobe we have ever had. The thunder shirt sport was what helped her the most. But it seems you have found & equally good solution.
Aww. Sweet Roscoe! (Love your socks!)
Our dog house is dragging this morning too! Champ hates storms, like Roscoe. Oliver, he sleeps through anything.
It’s ok Roscoe. The Momma will protect you.❤️