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The Kindness Of Good People

Yesterday Jamie and I were in Bald Knob, Arkansas, to see the eclipse. We ended up at a sports complex where several local vendors had set up tents and were selling tee-shirts, mugs, baked goods, art pieces, jewelry, and other handmade items. Of course I had to peruse all the tents, and you know I bought a couple items. I love supporting small businesses.

We stopped at the photo booth for a photo—it’s not often that I’m on the other side of the camera and not the photographer. Here’s our Eclipse 2024 memento:

We also bought two painted items from a local artist. When I saw this first piece, I’m pretty sure I squealed a little bit. I bet you can guess why I loved it right away. Jamie thought I should have it and bought it for me.

I saw this next piece and loved it too, because it reminds me of Jamie and myself. He is the steady constant moon to my chaotic wild sun. I didn’t buy it right away though because I’ve put myself on a spending freeze while I’m trying to get medical bills paid. We walked back to the car without it, but I went back for it. I thought it would be perfect hanging in the bedroom.

I had a nice conversation with the artist & her husband and got one of her cards.

On the way home after the event…many many miles from Bald Knob…we stopped to switch driving duties, and I discovered I didn’t have my driving glasses. I texted Rachelle and asked if she’d found a pair of glasses at her table. She hadn’t, but she said to let her know if I found out I had left them at one of the other tables or the cafe. She offered to grab them and ship them to me. How kind of her, don’t you think?

It was much later that I saw my glasses in my lap in the photos we took at the sign in Augusta, Arkansas. Ahhhh, that’s probably where I lost them. A whole different town.

This morning Jamie hung my new print, and I texted a couple photos to Rachelle to show her how wonderful it looks.

Perfect, as I knew it would be.

Rachelle asked if I had located my glasses. She had asked the event coordinator, but the only glasses found were eclipse glasses. Jamie had called the cafe, but they weren’t there. I texted this photo to Rachelle and told her we felt pretty sure that’s where I had left them.

She told me that wasn’t far from her and she & her husband would go look when he got home. Really? Wow! That’s taking kindness to the next level.

A few hours later, I received the following text…

And the following photo…

They looked again and even found the sunglasses part…

Can you believe it??!!! We were just amazed and tickled and amazed and amazed! Amazed that they were found but even more amazed at the kindness of a couple we only just met & had just a brief encounter.

I am so blessed by these angels!

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chelle barro
chelle barro
Apr 10

I'm so very glad we met too. And it was the least we could do, I mean y'all did travel all the way to our small town!


Apr 10

Incredible story. Thank you for sharing! ((Kindness))


Apr 10

Every so often someone comes along and restores your faith in humanity, kindness or friendship. It happened to me a few years ago when I needed support at a most critical time. A dear friend jumped on a plane unannounced and showed up to be the rock I needed at the time.❤️

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